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My most recent Academic Post was as Professor of the History of Science, Technology and Education at the University of Cambridge.
My work uses the lenses offered by the history and philosophy of science and technology to examine issues in education. Currently, I am particularly interested in the history of higher education in physics in the 19th century, the history of engineering education, and the history of multilingual education. I also conduct research on teacher education and professional development, with a particular focus on self-study methodology.
My institutional websites can be found here:
The research groups that I belong to:
- Second Language Education Research Group
- Science Education Research Group
- Cambridge Language Sciences Interdisciplinary Research Centre
If you are interested in enquiring about supervision, please read this page.
Here is a list of recent, representative, publications, organised by area of research interest
The History of Science
Bullock, S. M. (2016). Radars, modems, and air defense systems: Noise as a data communication problem in the 1950s. Perspectives on Science, 24 (1) , 73–92.
The History of Education
Bullock, S. M., & Sabatier Bullock, C. (2023, in press). Learning and human development: Thinking historically about studying childhood. In T. M. Christou (Ed.), Historical foundations of education (pp 111-136). London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Language Education
Bullock, S. M., & Sabatier, C. (2019). Didactique du français langue seconde au Canada: État des lieux de la recherche, Français dans le Monde: Recherches et Applications, 65. Édition spéciale cordonné par P. Blanchet et P. Chardenet, La recherche en didactique du FLE/S : vers une connaissance globale stratégique.
Sabatier, C., & Bullock, S. M. (2018). Living in plurilingual spaces: Self-study, critical friendship, and the plurality of publics, Studying Teacher Education 14(3), 258–271.
History Teacher Education
Sabatier Bullock, C. & Bullock, S. M. (2020). Re-imagining history teaching by challenging national narratives. In C. M. Berg & T. M. Christou (Eds). The Palgrave Handbook of History and Social Studies Education (pp. 77-96). Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bullock, S. M. & Christou, T. M. (2016). Self-study as professional development for a novice social studies teacher educator. In A. R. Crowe & A. Cuenca (Eds.), Rethinking social studies teacher education in the twenty-first century (pp. 341-358). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Science Teacher Education
Sabatier Bullock, C. & Bullock, S. M. (2019). Enseigner les sciences en français langue seconde : Exemple d’un programme d’étude au Canada. Travaux de Didactique en Français Langue Etrangère, 74 : Enseignement du français et enseignement en français : continuité ou rupture? [Numéro coordonné par Laurent Gajo & Anne Grobet, Université de Genève]. Disponible:
Bullock, S. M, & Sator, A. J. (2018). Developing a pedagogy of ‘making’ through collaborative self-study. Studying Teacher Education, 14(1), 56-70.
Technology and Education
Bullock, S. M. & Sabatier Bullock, C. (2019). L’enseignement de la technologie en immersion française : et si l’on s’intéressait au contenu ? Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée 110, 13-21.
vanOostveen, R., Desjardins, F., & Bullock, S. M. (2018). Professional development learning environments (PDLEs) embedded in a collaborative online learning environment (COLE): Moving towards a new conception of online professional learning. Education and Information Technologies, 24(2), 1863–1900.
Teacher Education and Professional Development
Bullock, S. M. (2017). Understanding candidates’ learning relationships with their cooperating teachers: A call to reframe my pedagogy. Studying Teacher Education, 13(2), 179-192.
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