01. Bullock, S. M. (2011). Inside teacher education: Challenging prior views of teaching and learning. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Amazon or Brill Publishers.
Co-Edited Books

01. Bullock, S. M., & Russell, T. (2012). (Eds.). Self-studies of science teacher education practices. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
02. Christou, T. M., & Bullock, S. M. (2013). (Eds.). Foundations in teacher education: A Canadian perspective. In Canadian research in teacher education: A polygraph series (Vol. 3). Canadian Association for Teacher Education. Canadian Association for Teacher Education. Available online here
03. Ragoonaden, K., & Bullock, S. M. (2016). (Eds.). Mindfulness and critical friendship: A new perspective on professional development for educators. New York: Lexington Books.
04. Kitchen, J., Berry, A., Bullock, S. M., Crowe, A., Taylor, M., Guðjónsdottír, H., & Thomas, L. (Eds.). (2020). 2nd International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Springer.
05. Butler, B. M., & Bullock, S. M. (2022). (Eds). Learning through collaboration in self-study: Critical friendship, collaborative self-study, and self-study communities of practice. Singapore: Springer.